Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Why are relationships so complicated... everything seems to be so difficult and I just dont understand why it has to be that way... Guys are always talking about how they want a girl thats gonna be by their side and thats gonna take care of them and how they want their queen,  but its like seriously the girl you want is the best friend you ignore. The girl you want is the girl you sit and make fun of. The girl you want to marry is right infront of your face and your too stuck up to notice.

Your to shallow to pay attention and see that the normal looking girls are the ones who have the ability to take care of you.. but instead you want the easy fuck, you want the dumb pretty girls who will give it up in one night. If you just waited you could have the nice good girl you always talk about and have an actual commited relationship. But guys dont really want that do they? Commitment oooo so scary right? The word comes up and guys flip out!

If your not gonna take it seriously then why do you bitch so much! why do you complain about girls and complain that you want more... Guys and girls are the same they want the same things only no one is bold enough to go after it. 

Its so dumb!!

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